To be owned by the community and run by the community

Connected community

The vision is for this retirement facility to be built in easy reach of the village community, for younger residents to benefit from the setting, and for retirement residents to access the village, and thus build and maintain an integrated multi-generational community.

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Rural community

Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing.


Active community

We want to build an active retirement community that provides many opportunities for residents to connect with each other.

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Connected community

We want to the retirement facility to enable a continuation of active community life after moving from the village into the retirement facility.


Easy access to the village

We want the residents to be able to access the local village actvities and facilities and villagers to access the retirement community to maintain valuable local connections.

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Safe community

We aim to protect the most vulnerable in a safe, balanced environment that will enable people to live independently, stay connected and have choices and control of their lives: all with a sensitivity to mental health issues. 

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with the young

We will introduce a model developed in Scandinavia providing apartments for young people at a favourable rent in return for being involved in the community.
Youngsters could offer, for example, computing help and also receive professional mentoring or tutoring from senior residents.

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Involve the local school

It is recognised that the young and the elderly have much to give each other.